Help our Bees: Plant A Free Wildflower Postcard
As you might have gathered, we are huge fans of wildflowers! If you'd like to plant wildflowers but you don't know where to start, start here....
We want to give you a FREE wildflower Plant-It postcard!
We believe wildflowers really, really matter. The more wildflowers we grow, the happier our pollinators - the birds, bees and other insects - will be. They depend on wildflowers for food throughout the year. The WWF tells us that 'on a single day in summer, one acre of wildflower meadow can contain 3 million flowers, producing 1 kg of nectar sugar. That’s enough to support nearly 96,000 honey bees per day.'
Here in Adur & Worthing, we're proud to see that our council are supporting the wildflower movement. You can check out their wildflower map to see some of the green spaces which are benefitting from this activity.
At Ashes to Blooms, we want to celebrate our bees not just for World Bee Day but every day of the year! We would love to see wildflowers spring up on your patios, in your lawns, your borders and allotments, on our verges and central reservations, in parks and green spaces. And as you know, we believe that wildflower memorials for our loved ones are especially meaningful, given the important part they play in our natural world.
So that's why we're giving away FREE biodegradable Plant-It wildflower seed postcards. They are SO easy to use: you'll need a pot filled with soil (not quite to the top, leave about a thumbs' length of space) and some water.
To receive your postcard (and sign up to our quarterly newsletter), just enter your UK postal & email address below.
- If your pot is big enough for the whole postcard, use your hand to make some room and stick it in. Otherwise, rip up your postcard into pieces - any size is fine - and stick into the soil.
- Top up the soil a bit to cover your card. They don't need to be completely buried, sticking out is ok, too.
- Water your pot so the soil is damp but not soggy or swamped. Whenever the soil feels dry, water again.
- Cross your fingers for some sunshine to help them along their way and, within a few weeks, you'll start seeing your wonderful wildflower shoots start to come through.